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  • Adam

Pre-application, is it worth it?

So last week I had a great project which we started a pre-application document for. The client wasn't sure whether to go in for pre-app to start off with, and I know a lot of Architects who prefer not to use this invaluable tool.

Pre-app really helps on sites that can be complex and have a lot of constraints but needs to be balanced with the extra time and involvement that it brings. With planners being increasingly busy and taking longer to deal with applications, the idea of an extra 4-8weeks for a response before even making a full planning application can tip a project over the edge, but here are five great reasons for making a pre-application request:

1. It starts a dialogue with the planners so points of view and concerns can be raised early on. 2. Other consultees can comment to help you design out any issues to make the planning application smoother. 3. It usually makes the application process much quicker as the difficult issues have already been addressed. 4. It is cheaper than a full planning application but (in most councils) still gives you a comprehensive response. 5. Pre-app is done confidentially and not available to the public. Are there any other benefits you've had from pre-application?

Get in touch here if you'd like any more information on the topic.

Post by Adam at Wilson Architects.

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