For you...
Feasibility Toolkit
Are you looking for help with your due diligence before committing to a project, and need guidance to fully understand the opportunities and risks of a site?
We offer the services below which help you before you take on the risk.
Project Health Check
Not sure whether to pursue a site? We do an initial feasibility to help you through your due diligence.
For the projects you want a little bit more information on before committing to a full service.
We carry out a desktop site check and provide:
- Proposed sketch to illustrate an indicative design
- Current planning use
- Site planning history
- Key planning constraints:
* Conservation Areas
* Flood risk
* Listed buildings
* On-site Tree Preservation Orders
* Public Footpaths / Rights of Way
* Key regulations/guidance specific to your project
- Physical site/building constraints such as:
* Impact of surroundings
* Railway lines
* Possibility of contamination
* Services availability
* Nearest public amenities
Project Consultation
Looking for a more in-depth, face to face consultation where we can help on multiple sites?
Book in for a consultation where we can analyse your site(s) together and see how to maximise its potential.
You'll receive:
- 1 hour video call
- Planning strategy advice
- Detailed review of key site constraints
- Design ideas and examples from our past experience
- Initial sketch sent to you post meeting of your proposals
Why not split the cost and book as a group?
We can have up to four people on a call!